Gwamnatin tarayya ta dakatar da shirin N-Power tace Kusan kashi 80 cikin 100 ke binsu bashi.

Betta Edu ministar harkokin jin kai da yaki da fatara ce ta bayyana hakan a ranar Asabar, 7 ga watan Oktoba. Edu ta ce akwai kura-kurai da dama a cikin shirin kuma sun kaddamar da bincike kan yadda aka yi amfani da kudaden tun lokacin da aka fara shirin.

Ministan ta yi nuni da cewa, akwai wasu da suka ci gajiyar tallafin da ake ba su alawus duk wata amma ba sa wurin aikinsu. Edu ta kuma ce ya kamata wasu daga cikin wadanda suka ci gajiyar shirin su fice daga shirin tun 2022 amma har yanzu suna kan biyan albashi.

Tace "Dole ne mu koma mu duba N-Power mu fahimci mene ne matsalolin don haka za mu dakatar da shirin a yanzu har sai an kammala binciken da ya dace kan yadda ake amfani da kudi a cikin shirin N-Power"

ministan tace Muna son sanin adadin nawa ne. mutane na dake asalin cin gajiyar acikin shirin a yanzu, mutum nawa suke bin bashi.

Kuma zamu sake fasalin N-Power gaba daya tare da fadada shi Akwai kuri'a da ke faruwa.

The Federal Government has announced the indefinite suspension of the N-Power program.

Betta Edu, Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, made the announcement while featuring on a TVC news program on Saturday.

She said the decision was birthed by some irregularities within the scheme, noting that the government has launched investigation into the utilization of funds since the program began.

The Minister claimed that some of the beneficiaries are not found in their place of assignments yet they expect monthly stipends.

According to her, some of the beneficiaries ought to have exited the program since 2022 but are still on the payroll.

She said, “We must go back to look into N-Power and understand what the problems are so we will basically suspend the programe for now until we are done with proper investigation into the utilization of fund into the N-Power program.

We want to know how many persons are basically on the program right now, how many persons are owed, amount they are owed. We are totally restructuring the N-Power and expanding it.

“There are lots going on. We met people who are supposed to have exited the program since last year and they are still on claiming that they are still teaching.

“Sometimes we contact the school or the places where they are working and they are not there. They are not working yet they keep claiming that they are being owed eight or nine months stipends.

About 80 percent of them are not working yet they are claiming salaries”.



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